Sunday, December 16, 2018

Rises in Global CO2 Emission Levels Continue through 2018

California-based entrepreneur Levon Termendzhyan works in the clean-air energy industry. The equity owner of Viscon USA and Viscon International, he oversees the production and sale of a diesel fuel additive that reduces diesel emissions. Beyond that, Levon Termendzhyan is involved in numerous other clean-air companies, multiple joint ventures with Native American tribes, and several biofuel companies.

According to reports from the Global Carbon Project (GCP), the 2018 levels of global carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are at their highest point in nearly 20 years. The organization believes the year will close with a 2.7 percent increase in total CO2 emissions around the world. This is a big jump compared to the 2017 rise of 1.6 percent, a figure that many experts thought was a small, temporary boost considering CO2 levels had remained steady throughout 2014, 2015, and 2016.

The sudden spike in CO2 levels has been attributed to an increase in activity in China. Coal use within the country rose nearly 5 percent in 2018 as it worked to support its growing economy. This trend has been consistent since the year 2000. On top of that, the cold winter and warm summer in the United States played a role in the escalation of CO2 emissions since it drove up the demand for energy among residents.

China and the U.S. are far from the only countries contributing to the rising CO2 levels, as well. The European Union, Russia, India, Japan, Saudi Arabia, and Canada are also some of the largest emitters in the world. In many of these regions, the amount of fuel used for road transportation and flights increased due to the rise in demand for oil. Meanwhile, the growth of green energy has not been able to keep up with this trend.

Friday, November 30, 2018

Global Biofuel Market Poised for Significant Growth

A successful leader in the energy business, Levon Termendzhyan serves as an equity holder of Viscon, a company that produces and distributes a diesel-fuel additive to reduce harmful toxic emissions. In addition to this, Levon Termendzhyan serves as a joint-venture partner with Ibris Bio-Fuels Pte., Ltd., as part of his efforts to introduce biofuels to the U.S. market.

According to the 2017-2023 Global Automotive Biofuels Market report, the automotive biofuels market will increase to nearly $196 billion by 2023 from $118.63 billion in 2017. During this time, the market will experience an 8.67 percent compound annual growth rate (CAGR).

Biofuels, a renewable energy that has fewer emissions than fossil fuels, can be made from a huge range of items, including potatoes, corn, and vegetable waste. The sustainable nature of this fuel has made it an increasingly in-demand alternative to petroleum gasoline. However, many consumers are unaware of how biofuel can benefit their automobiles, so growth in the market has been restrained.

Despite this, experts still predict that the market will grow. The forecasted growth in the Global Automotive Biofuels Market report will most likely be driven by rising air pollution and fossil-fuel prices. Furthermore, government support for biofuels and their emissions regulations will also drive growth up around the world. 

Currently, Europe has the strictest governmental regulations in place in regard to emissions. Because of this, the continent also accounts for the largest share of the biofuels market. However, the Asia-Pacific regions and the Americas show the fastest growth in biofuel demand.

Friday, November 9, 2018

CARB Announces Continued Dedication to Find Illegal Diesel Filters

Accomplished leader in the energy industry Levon Termendzhyan leads Viscon USA and Viscon International as an equity owner. With his guidance, Viscon produces the Viscon product, a diesel fuel additive that boosts fuel efficiency while reducing emissions. Active in the professional community, Levon Termendzhyan has been associated with such organizations as the California Air Resources Board (CARB).

Recently, CARB, an organization dedicated to protecting public welfare and health in California, announced that it’s taking a serious stand against illegal diesel soot filters. These filters trap cancer-causing soot in diesel trucks and are essential for keeping the public healthy and safe. When a truck’s soot filter is not working properly, California state law requires that truck owners change it. However, CARB regulates which filters can be installed and sold in the state, and it certifies those filters that are suitable for use in California.

State law also bans the sale of illegal and used diesel soot filters in its Aftermarket Parts and Diesel Particulate Filter Verification Regulations. Companies who violate these regulations are penalized. In the recent announcement, it was shared that LKQ Corporation would pay a $294,000 penalty for selling illegal diesel soot filters. A related case from 2017 was also mentioned. In this case, a repair shop in Fresno agreed to pay penalties for selling and installing illegal filters and sparked further investigation into several other diesel repair shops in the Central Valley.

With this new announcement, CARB reinforced the importance of both business owners and consumers taking responsibility for the installation and sale of illegal filters. Truck drivers need to ensure the filters they receive from a repair shop are authorized by CARB. Beyond following state regulations regarding diesel filters, truck owners must also install engines from 2010 or later in their entire fleet by 2023 to adhere to California’s Truck and Bus Regulation.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Where Does Particulate Matter Come From?

A long-time leader in the energy sector, Levon Termendzhyan is an equity owner in Viscon USA and Viscon International. Through these companies, Levon Termendzhyan provides a diesel fuel additive known as Viscon that reduces particulate matter emissions in diesel fuel and boosts engine efficiency.

Particulate matter (PM) refers to a mix of liquid droplets and solid particles that affect both the environment and human health. Typically, PM is divided into two categories based on size, PM10 and PM2.5. 

Particles small enough to be inhaled, with a diameter of 10 micrometers and less, are classified as PM10. These particles are usually visible with the naked eye. PM2.5 particles, which are up to 2.5 micrometers in diameter, are not visible to the eye. 

Both sizes of particles may be caused by natural or man-made sources. Natural causes of PM include volcanoes, dust storms, and forest fires. Living vegetation that releases isoprene, spores, methanol, and other particles into the air are also responsible for creating particulate matter, as are tornadoes and sea spray.

Man-made causes of PM include coal, wood, and oil combustion. All of these common sources of power and heat in many countries around the world cause widespread particulates. Cement dust caused by construction or demolition, dust created by cars on the road, and tobacco smoke are also responsible for particulate matter in the air.

Saturday, September 15, 2018

California Air Resources Board Cap-and-Trade Program

A native of Armenia, Levon Termendzhyan immigrated to the United States at the age of 14 and immediately began working in the oil and gas industry. Today, he leads several companies in the energy sector, including Noil Energy Group and Viscon International. At Viscon, Levon Termendzhyan leads development of a pollution-reducing fuel additive that has received certification from the California Air Resources Board (CARB).

Since its founding in 1967, CARB has spearheaded some of the most important environmental legislation and policy initiatives in American history. In addition to developing the first tailpipe emissions laws in the United States, CARB’s tireless advocacy for environmentally friendly regulations helped inspire the first federal Clean Air Act.

Today, CARB maintains a range of climate-change programs, including the California Cap-and-Trade Program, which sets limits on the amount of greenhouse gases (GHG) that any individual business in the state is allowed to produce. If a company produces more than its assigned limit, it either pays a penalty or must buy extra GHG allowances from other companies that have not used theirs. 

The CARB-led cap-and-trade program in California aims to reduce overall emissions in California to 1990 levels by the year 2020, with a further 80 percent reduction of that total by 2050. In addition, CARB is coordinating with several Canadian provinces to create complementary cap-and-trade rules and joint goals.

Thursday, July 26, 2018

How Particulate Matter Negatively Affects Health

Since the age of 14, Levon Termendzhyan has been working in the gas and energy industries. He began his career by pumping gas at a local station in California and rapidly started buying and operating his own gas stations throughout the state. Today, Levon Termendzhyan serves as an equity owner in Viscon USA and Viscon International, distributors of a product that reduces particulate matter (PM) emissions from diesel fuel.

Particulate matter refers to liquid droplets and solid particles found in the air, like dirt, soot, and smoke. Large particles, which have a diameter up to 10 micrometers, are referred to as PM10 particulate matter. Meanwhile, smaller particles, those that are only 2.5 micrometers in diameter or smaller, are denoted as PM2.5.

Although it may seem inconsequential, PM2.5 particles result in numerous health challenges. Since these particles are small, they are often inhaled deeply and enter the respiratory tract, lungs, and bloodstream. Inhalation of PM2.5 particles leads to numerous short-term health problems, including sneezing, irritation of the nose and eyes, and shortness of breath.

Over time, these short-term issues can cause long-term problems. For example, lung tissue can become inflamed, resulting in several chemicals being released into the body, some of which affect how the heart functions. PM2.5 particles in the bloodstream also alter blood chemistry and increase the risk of clots and heart attacks.

Preexisting conditions are exacerbated by particulate matter as well. Chronic lung diseases are aggravated by the presence of PM2.5 particles, as are asthma and heart disease. Beyond that, long-term exposure to such pollution decreases life expectancy and reduces lung function in children.

Thursday, June 21, 2018

What Is Particle Pollution and Why Is It Harmful?

Clean air executive Levon Termendzhyan leads Viscon USA and Viscon International, Inc., as an equity owner. Under the leadership of Levon Termendzhyan, the Viscon product has been tested and adopted around the world, thanks to its ability to improve fuel efficiency and reduce particulate matter (PM) emissions.

PM emissions consist of various liquid droplets and solids floating in the air. The particles may be comprised of dirt, dust, smoke, or soot and can be large enough to see. These large particles are inhalable and typically range from 2.5 to 10 micrometers in diameter. They are referred to as PM10 or coarse dust particles. Meanwhile, smaller particles (PM2.5) can only be seen with an electron microscope. They are 2.5 micrometers in diameter or smaller.

These particles come from a variety of sources, including wood stoves, power plants, and coal fires. Forest fires and wood stoves are examples of primary sources of particle pollution because they cause pollution on their own. Meanwhile, secondary sources release gases that may form into particles and include such things as power plants and industrial facilities. These sources typically produce PM2.5 emissions.

Many people may ignore these particles, but they can negatively affect a population’s health. Larger particles are responsible for irritating the throat, eyes, and nose, while smaller particles can get into the lungs and bloodstream and cause damage from there. Older adults, children, and people with lung or heart disease are particularly susceptible to the effects of particle pollution.

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Turkey Building First LNG Production and Storage Facility

An accomplished oil and gas executive in California, Levon Termendzhyan guides companies in the LNG, diesel fuel, and biofuels sectors while maintaining membership with organizations such as the San Francisco Global Trade Council. Also active in international markets, Levon Termendzhyan leads SBK Holdings, an umbrella company with subsidiaries in the construction, real estate, and energy sectors in Turkey.

One of the world’s fastest-growing economies, Turkey has witnessed strong growth, and its energy demands have kept pace. In recent years, the country’s energy needs have grown exponentially, and Turkey has been forced to import most of its oil and natural gas. As such, the government has been seeking ways to become more energy independent.

In May 2018, Turkey took a step toward that goal when a Turkish energy company, LNG Gaz Uretim Depolama ve Satis AS, received formal permission to construct the first on-shore LNG storage and production facilities in the country’s northern and midwestern regions. The two facilities, planned for the cities of Afyonkarahisar and Corum, will provide critical security and flexibility to the country’s energy industry.

According to company representatives, the project will cost roughly $35 million and should be completed within 18 months.

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Renewable Energy Driving Additional Power Generation in Turkey

A California-based oil and gas entrepreneur and investor, Levon Termendzhyan serves as an equity holder with Viscon International and regularly seeks out business opportunities in foreign markets. In 2013, Levon Termendzhyan formed the Turkish-based SBK Holdings and has since invested more than $500 million in the eight energy companies under its umbrella.

Around the world, investments in renewable energy have surpassed investments in traditional energy sources over the past few years. This is particularly true in Turkey, where in 2017 renewables accounted for almost half of the country's power generation. Overall, $5.6 billion was invested in renewable resources in 2017, which was responsible for 65 percent of the 100 megawatts (MW) of power generation capacity added to the power grid.

According to Oguz Can, Turkey's energy and natural resources ministry general director of renewable energy, the country allocated 3,000 MW in wind power in 2017 and led all of Europe in renewable energy capacity creation. Moreover, Turkey ranks among the top 10 European countries in solar and wind power capacity.

Sunday, May 6, 2018

EU Decision Boosts Indonesian Biofuel Sector

For nearly four decades, Levon Termendzhyan has guided fuel delivery, storage, and distribution companies in the United States and around the world. In addition to leading Viscon International, a clean-fuel company in California, Levon Termendzhyan serves as a joint venture partner with a biofuels company based in Indonesia. 

Unlike fossil fuels, biofuels are derived from living organisms, such as corn, algae, and palm oil. As the world’s top producer of palm oil, Indonesia has emerged as one of the major providers of biofuels in Southeast Asia, and the country has planned much of its future economic program around it. Recently, European Union (EU) officials made a key decision that will provide the country’s biofuel industry with a major boost.

Since 2013, the EU has slapped additional duties on imported biofuels from Indonesian manufacturers, driving up prices on the continent and putting Indonesia at a trade disadvantage. In March of 2018, however, EU officials removed these restrictions after a decision made at the European Court of Justice. 

The elimination of the duties is expected to jump-start Indonesian imports, with some analysts suggesting that shipments could reach more than 400,000 tons in the coming year. The decision will negatively impact nearby Malaysia, whose smaller biofuel industry stands to lose its already negligible European market share.

Monday, April 2, 2018

San Francisco Global Trade Council Fosters International Ties

Under the guidance of Levon Termendzhyan, Viscon International manufactures an innovative clean energy fuel additive that received certification and verification from the California Air Resources Board and could become a candidate to assist in the state’s goal of achieving mandated emissions reductions. Active in his field, Levon Termendzhyan belongs to a range of professional organizations, including the San Francisco Global Trade Council (SFGTC). 

A respected industry group, SFGTC provides members with extended opportunities to network with fellow business leaders from Northern California and around the world. For example, the council offers members the option to attend exclusive policy and trade briefings, where they can meet and discuss ideas with government leaders and industry influencers. In addition, SFGTC conferences and lunchtime events introduce the Bay Area business community to representatives of other nations’ governments with whom they can discover common interests.

Members also gain access to the council’s trade missions, providing an opportunity to travel to meet other governments’ leaders and businesspeople who can demonstrate firsthand the industrial and commercial situations in their own countries.

Wells Fargo, UPS, Virgin America, and Chevron are among the large corporations that partner with the SFGTC for the benefit of the local and national business communities.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

California Global Warming Solutions Act and 2020 Emissions Goals

As the head of Viscon International, Levon Termendzhyan has positioned the fuel additive manufacturer to help states meet emissions mandates for diesel. Levon Termendzhyan's firm has received approval for the use of Viscon within Texas and recently achieved California Air Resources Board (CARB) verification and certification for the additive.

The latter is important in furthering Viscon's potential to meet a 2015 mandate targeting the reduction of CO2 emissions by 10 percent by 2020. As reported by CARB in a mid-2017 statewide inventory, California has achieved emissions reductions milestones in line with its 2020 goals, while enjoying the strongest rate of economic growth in a decade. 

Under the California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, the state has reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 10 percent from their 2004 peak and is on target to bring them to 1990 levels, as mandated. This complex, coordinated effort encompasses the Low Carbon Fuel Standard, the Renewables Portfolio Standard, the Cap-and-Trade Program, and the Advanced Clean Cars Program.