Thursday, June 21, 2018

What Is Particle Pollution and Why Is It Harmful?

Clean air executive Levon Termendzhyan leads Viscon USA and Viscon International, Inc., as an equity owner. Under the leadership of Levon Termendzhyan, the Viscon product has been tested and adopted around the world, thanks to its ability to improve fuel efficiency and reduce particulate matter (PM) emissions.

PM emissions consist of various liquid droplets and solids floating in the air. The particles may be comprised of dirt, dust, smoke, or soot and can be large enough to see. These large particles are inhalable and typically range from 2.5 to 10 micrometers in diameter. They are referred to as PM10 or coarse dust particles. Meanwhile, smaller particles (PM2.5) can only be seen with an electron microscope. They are 2.5 micrometers in diameter or smaller.

These particles come from a variety of sources, including wood stoves, power plants, and coal fires. Forest fires and wood stoves are examples of primary sources of particle pollution because they cause pollution on their own. Meanwhile, secondary sources release gases that may form into particles and include such things as power plants and industrial facilities. These sources typically produce PM2.5 emissions.

Many people may ignore these particles, but they can negatively affect a population’s health. Larger particles are responsible for irritating the throat, eyes, and nose, while smaller particles can get into the lungs and bloodstream and cause damage from there. Older adults, children, and people with lung or heart disease are particularly susceptible to the effects of particle pollution.

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Turkey Building First LNG Production and Storage Facility

An accomplished oil and gas executive in California, Levon Termendzhyan guides companies in the LNG, diesel fuel, and biofuels sectors while maintaining membership with organizations such as the San Francisco Global Trade Council. Also active in international markets, Levon Termendzhyan leads SBK Holdings, an umbrella company with subsidiaries in the construction, real estate, and energy sectors in Turkey.

One of the world’s fastest-growing economies, Turkey has witnessed strong growth, and its energy demands have kept pace. In recent years, the country’s energy needs have grown exponentially, and Turkey has been forced to import most of its oil and natural gas. As such, the government has been seeking ways to become more energy independent.

In May 2018, Turkey took a step toward that goal when a Turkish energy company, LNG Gaz Uretim Depolama ve Satis AS, received formal permission to construct the first on-shore LNG storage and production facilities in the country’s northern and midwestern regions. The two facilities, planned for the cities of Afyonkarahisar and Corum, will provide critical security and flexibility to the country’s energy industry.

According to company representatives, the project will cost roughly $35 million and should be completed within 18 months.